Dec 14, 2010

2010 in Review: Google, YouTube, Mobile

Google searches in review through 2010 are excellent in the above video, but also see the official website with the mind blowing statistics displayed for easy reading.

A rewind of the year in video! The official channel/website for full top 10 viewing, plus the YouTube Blog post. The world and I share some different opinions here, but that sounds about right.

Mobile usage is massive and these statistics are really incredible! The mobile trend is nothing new, but do yourself a favour a watch this one. Wish I had the time to write these all down in bullet point for your folk, but here are some stats to note.

Added Bonus: An awesome Infographic of the year on twitter. Still waiting for a facebook review... I know these videos have been shared like crazy and are clogging up people streams of information, but I do think it will be nice to document some of them. Think they are a bit premature without the effect of a full and post December 2010, but with that said, Happy holidays, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!


Dec 8, 2010

Prison Advert for the Drive Dry Campaign

FoxP2, a Cape Town based agency and Brandhouse bring a whole new approach to driving under the influence and its consequences. The "Drive Dry" campaign is aimed to discourage drinking and driving, something this advert seriously makes you think about. I support the notion of "dry driving" 100% and have stuck to it for some time. The guys in the video would 'love to meet you' if you get caught! Drive safe and sober during the holidays, don't risk everything.

Source: Adweek and AdsoftheWorld

